Amazing Adaptations - Marvel Cinematic Universe's Infinity Saga - Infinity War and Endgame

Amazing Adaptations: When you talk about adaptations, you can't not talk about the cinematic event of the decade. Taking its initial inspirations from a host of comics like The infinity gauntlet, The infinity wars, Avengers endgame is a must watch. 

The movie has been created as a culmination of 12 years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it serves a the ideal conclusion. The movie picks up where previous Infinity War story left. With an acute sense of bereavement gripping our heroes (the ones left), they can't wrap their head around the fact that Thanos did indeed wipe off half the population of the universe with a snap. We have presented a bleak picture wherein the world is in shambles, global geopolitics is in the doldrums with nearly all nations and bodies deeply destabilised. What follows for the next 3 hours and 2 minutes is a story of our heroes' triumph. How they find Thanos (and how he later finds them again), how they explore new realms and how they eventually save the world. I could go into the juicy details but then I would stand the risk of ruining the movie for those readers who've yet not had a chance to grab a pair and tickets and revel in this cinematic masterpiece. My only suggestion would be to grab a tissue and a charge up your throats because you'll be either cheering or tearing throughout the movie. 

Now coming back to the comics. Is the infinity saga (Infinity Wars + Endgame) inspired by a comic? Well, Yes, it is. The two comics which could be labelled as "chief" inspirations for the comics would include
a) - 1991 Infinity Gauntlet
  b) - 1992 Infinity War Saga

Why should you read them you ask - well firstly the comic books will give you a much-nuanced perspective and help you better understand the movies. Not only this, but it will also help you get in that comic book reader clique who seem to appreciate and identify even the most furtive of Easter eggs. Jokes aside, but reading the comics and then watching it come alive on screen is a whole different feeling of excitement and it makes for a better viewing experience, one steeped in anticipation, appreciation and satisfaction. The comics form for the base of the movies, however, the directors have done a lot of tweaking around and introduced a lot of changes (for eg. in the comics the chief inspiration for Thanos to execute the ominous snap was to impress Mistress Death, whom Thanos loved and tried to court time and again, but in the movies the Mad Titan seems to be driven by this urge to act God and wipe off population for a better more sustainable future). What sets these adaptations apart is the expertise with which the story concludes leaving no perceptible loose ends while at the same time evoking enough sense of curiosity to leave readers and watchers talking about it.

No matter whether you're a comic reader or just a casual fan, the endgame is a story very well told, which is bound to take you on an emotional rollercoaster ride. So book your tickets now (if you can manage to find one) and go for it. Until then, keep reading, keep recommending and keep sharing the love for more the passengers in the paperback trail the better it is.  

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